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I'm Shaun your personal Chef.  My love for food runs deep but my natural ability to create art has allowed me to combine my love for food and art to create delicious artisan curated meals.  Years have taught me that food shouldn't only be delicious and beautiful but good for us.  When you discover the actual healing powers of the natural ingredients that have been sourced to us by nature.  A whole new world of health and opportunities surface. 

My Story

How I treat my temple is so important today.  I love sharing the thing that have improved my life. 

My body is my temple, It took me about 50 years to really realize this.

What you put in it and on it means everything. 

Food, fitness, products, and wellness all play a major role in our quality of life.  I wish I understood this before unaware living made its mark in my life. 

All at once a Stroke, uncontrolled High Blood Pressure (Orthostatic Hypertension) High cholesterol, Pre Diabetes along with a few other pre-existing condition made it abundantly clear to me that something had to change.  Life was quickly falling apart and I knew that I needed to do something about it. Making drastic changes is hard sometimes especially without a roadmap to walk you through.  I spent so much time trying to figure out how can I help myself with out depending solely on tons of medication to improve my overall health and quality of life.  

I've been gardening and growingly own vegetables and herbs for almost 2 decades.  I did it for fun and the convenience of it.  Who knew that the garden would soon become my source to healing.  Join me on this beautiful  journey as we use the natural healing potential of the natural ingredients that come to us from nature to make an abundance of artisan curated meals and other useful and healthy and delicious foods.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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